Valentino in Vancouver by Gabbi Grey

Valentino in Vancouver by Gabbi Grey

Author:Gabbi Grey [Grey, Gabbi]
Language: eng
Format: epub
Tags: gay romance; mm romance; virgin; Vancouver; Canada; contemporary; summer; movie business
Publisher: The Wild Rose Press
Published: 2022-07-22T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter Seven


I was verse, but the truth was that I rarely bottomed. Most men assumed I’d dominate because of the power I exuded at work. I’d been vulnerable for a few men over the years. Rare, though.

So why make the offer?

Because this was all new to Seamus. He deserved the right to try this out for himself—to discover what he liked. What floated his boat.

As we polished off the last of what proved to be an amazing meal, I leaned back in my chair.

Seamus caught my gaze. “What?”

“Just thinking how sexy you are.”

I’d wanted him to eat with just a towel around his waist—or better yet, naked—but he insisted on wearing his jeans. At least he hadn’t thrown his shirt back on.

The blush crawled up his chest, along his neck, and into those lovely cheeks. Truly endearing.

He batted his hand as if trying to swat a fly. “You don’t have to say that.”

I snagged his hand. “It’s not a line. I see a lot of incredibly gorgeous people every day. Some are so beautiful that it almost hurts to look at them. And some are great people with lovely souls. Some aren’t. I’ve known attractive people who’d step on anyone if it gave them a leg up. People who’d pull up the ladder they just climbed rather than reaching out a hand to help the next person.” I scrubbed my face. “You’re not like them. You’re…untainted.”


He exploded the word.

“I’ve done stuff—stuff I’m not proud of. You think because I’ve never been with a man—with anyone—that I’m pure as the driven snow. Well, you’re fucking wrong.”

Stunned. I was stunned speechless. Because he was—accurately—calling me out on my shit. I’d made a series of assumptions about him. They all seemed accurate and logical. Obviously, I’d hit a nerve. A raw and exposed one, if I had to guess.

On instinct, I reached out my hand to lie upon his—grateful that he didn’t resist the comfort. “Can you talk about it?”

A casual shrug.

And a tensing of his jaw.

I was prepared to wait. If I had to sit here all night—I’d do it.

He scratched his jaw. The bit of stubble abraded his fingernails, and the sound arrowed straight through me. Everything about this man called to me.

Pay attention.

Yeah, it’d be easy just to look at him and fantasize about what might be. Another thing altogether to be here for him emotionally—should he choose to reach out.

“His name was Vincent Difelize.”

I squinted. I knew that name.

“He was the mayor.”

Ah, right. The mayor of one of Vancouver’s suburbs. A sizeable town, if memory served.


“I presume you knew him? And not just of him?” Because likely no one in this town hadn’t heard of the guy. And because of the city’s reputation as part of Hollywood North. No, news of this particular scandal had reached all the way down to LA.

Seamus nodded. When he met my gaze, those fathomless green eyes carried pain. “I was his youth ambassador. I went out into the community, representing him and his government.


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